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"My family and I are profoundly happy to have our child as a student under Sonya’s care. Our daughter loves her lessons so much that she has requested extra lessons on her own to work with Sonya one-on-one. We feel the time spent with Sonya is priceless and is cultivating a future of determination, patience and success."
M. Turner
"I am so grateful for Miss Sonya and effect the disciplines have had in Ellie’s life so far. She historically hasn’t been a patient kid, and would get pretty irritable when seemingly small problems arose…and, boy, would those small problems become mountains.  Ellie has grown so much! It takes longer for her to lose patience, she problem solves, she’s willing to self reflect, and when she does get overly mad she recovers SO MUCH faster…like within minutes! And she gives herself props when she realizes how much she’s grown! She’s building such a strong foundation for her life, and it’s gonna be a brilliant one!"
"Miss Sonya cares so much about all children and especially the young minds she is entrusted to guide, teach, and assist them in areas they may require attention. She is patient but firm, caring, attentive, fun & funny, energetic, creative, joyful, and loving.
My daughter is so excited to go to school and study with Miss Sonya every day and she has been reluctant to miss some of the days she has stayed home. She respects and adores Miss Sonya and is thriving in the environment that has been provided with so much thoughtfulness, passion, mind, and presence for the children. Thank you Miss Sonya!!!!!"
Tim Kerscher
“I have a twelve-year-old daughter, and Sonya has been her teacher since she was five. In the beginning my daughter was very shy. She couldn’t speak English as well other kids, since English is her second language. This was very stressful for my daughter. Sonya recognized that my daughter was sad.  Sonya said children must learn how to understand and name their emotion. When they are young, they have trouble with this understanding and don’t always know how to recognize and name it. Sonya taught my daughter about her emotions. Her teaching is very mindful. She cares for all her students. She doesn’t push them. She waits until the moment children want to do something and then she teaches them.  Sonya taught my daughter how to focus and her mind became more peaceful. Now when my daughter focuses on something without being distracted with talking and playing, she becomes calm. That was a key learning for my daughter. How to use her brain very wisely. Sonya understands how children’s brains develop and is a genius in teaching! My daughter is very clear about people she likes and dislikes, and she likes Sonya very much. When my daughter was asked last year what she wanted for Christmas, she answered she wants to continue Sonya’s focus class. That was only her wish. I knew then how much she loves Sonya’s focus class. I really appreciate Sonya! She is an amazing teacher!"
I. N.
"I can not recommend Sonya's Focus-Academy highly enough. If you have young ones and you want to expand the knowledge you and they receive from RSE, JZ has licensed Sonya to use disciplines owned by RSE Inc. in her classes. Find out more at On a personally note, my young man is growing within and shining without. His desire and Sonya's work along with RSE as a base are allowing an unfolding within him. Having him attend RSE along with Sonya's Focus-Academy is certainly among the most important parenting decisions made to date. Thank you Ms. Sonya🎉💜✨"
T Nicolow